понедельник, 29 января 2018 г.

Просмотры: 39 558
Yogi Zain сейчас здесь: Adeline Yoga Studio.
What I enjoy about practicing Iyengar yoga is the freedom this style of practice brings. There are a countless number of ways to express the asanas and in doing so letting the asanas countlessly express you!
I find hanging over the folding chair (in Adho Mukha Virasana and Prasarita Padottanasana) very therapeutic for my back and great traction for the spine. Also a nice way to soften the frontal groins.
The Parivrtta Prasarita Padottanasana variation took care of a major kink in a particular part of my back. There is something delightful about twisting with spinal traction and while inverting. It felt like a deep twist and also light and floating at the same time. As if the chair props were some kinda washing machine in which I was being spun and rinsed 😂💦
The Urdhva Mukha variation (or Salabasana variation) over the back rung of the chair is great as it works to strengthen the hamstrings and brings a sense of play with balance. And for fun sake I took a dip into a pose I rarely practice: Ganda Bherundasana! The formidable face pose. 😁
Music track "Express Yourself" by Charles Wright & The 103rd Street Rhythm Band
Thanks for watching. Feel free to share! 🙏🏾🕉💟

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