Наталья Косевич поделилась видео Yogi Zain.

Yogi Zain сейчас здесь: YogaWorks Larkspur Landing.
use this set up with a bolster to practice Urdhva Prasarita Padasana
(upward stretched legs pose) to build core strength and to help bring
awareness for inversion practice.
Place a bolster (or some blankets) underneath sacrum and top buttocks
similar to Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (bridge pose). This will help keep
the legs straight, the groins soft and the tail bone moving in.
Start with hands pressing down beside hips. If the back feels okay then practice with arms above head in urdhva hastasana. I usually hook the thumb fingers to get more extension and to lift the chest.
When lowering legs, keep drawing the abdomen back (moving navel toward spine). Roll the thighs from outside in and stretch through the inner legs. Keep the tailbone in and move buttocks away from lower back. Keep shoulders pressing down and chest spread.
If back bothers or if it's difficult to raise and lower with straight legs, then bend knees in between transition (from 90° to 60° to 30°) and straighten legs again.
Play around with alternating legs positions and take one leg out to the side (similar to Supta Padangusthasana) and crossing leg over (like Parivrtta Padangusthasana).
Take soft, smooth, slow inhalations and exhalations. Keep face relaxed and mind quite.
😇 Have fun!
In Light on Yoga B.K.S. Iyengar says U.P.P. is "wonderful for reducing fat round the abdomen, strengthens the lumbar region of the back, and tones the abdominal organs."
(Not for menstruating students nor expecting mothers)
Music by Nosaj Thing "Aquarium"
Start with hands pressing down beside hips. If the back feels okay then practice with arms above head in urdhva hastasana. I usually hook the thumb fingers to get more extension and to lift the chest.
When lowering legs, keep drawing the abdomen back (moving navel toward spine). Roll the thighs from outside in and stretch through the inner legs. Keep the tailbone in and move buttocks away from lower back. Keep shoulders pressing down and chest spread.
If back bothers or if it's difficult to raise and lower with straight legs, then bend knees in between transition (from 90° to 60° to 30°) and straighten legs again.
Play around with alternating legs positions and take one leg out to the side (similar to Supta Padangusthasana) and crossing leg over (like Parivrtta Padangusthasana).
Take soft, smooth, slow inhalations and exhalations. Keep face relaxed and mind quite.

In Light on Yoga B.K.S. Iyengar says U.P.P. is "wonderful for reducing fat round the abdomen, strengthens the lumbar region of the back, and tones the abdominal organs."
(Not for menstruating students nor expecting mothers)
Music by Nosaj Thing "Aquarium"
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